1.This crowding is what ultimately releases both Venus and the Dark Twin from their trap, as they move toward the point of lesser crowding.
2.A repository or directory service is often included in an ESB product, facilitating the move toward an SOA-based integration approach.
3.In fact, concentrating on energy efficiency more than renewable energies is a very obvious way of trying to move toward our targets.
4.Self-assessment is going to be an important ongoing part of your time-management strategy as you move toward school-work balance.
5.Matsumoto said the specific expected only "to complete the schedule will move toward the direction of the coordination of efforts. "
6.Should I move toward her? Was she like a bubble that would burst? Honestly, at this point, my limbs seemed to belong to someone else.
7.Expect Shale to have its own mailing lists in the months ahead as it begins to move toward being an independent project of its own.
8.Out of the corner of my eye I notice she hasn't made a move toward her dresser so I turn toward her to ask again.
9.White House officials have said repeatedly that Obama's main priority in Cannes is to help Europe move toward a solution.
10.Ben shouted again, but this time the hunter did not stop and Ben started to move toward him.